BRC Imagination Arts developed a factory tour ‘Story Garden’ at the AmorePacific Beauty Campus in Osan, South Korea. AmorePacific – a premiere South Korean cosmetic brand – wants to illustrate how the brand became an important part of Asian beauty. The factory tour is mainly focused on sales reps that work for the brand. Part of the factory tour is the ‘Gift of creativity’, an exhibition space that allows visitors to create a personalized AmorePacific postcard with their own picture. Participants will view an instructional video, afterwards their high quality pictures are taken at one of the 2 photo stations using green screen technology.

After the pictures are taken they are sent to the 4 70” screen editing stations where participants can choose their favorite picture, choose one of the 6 postcard templates and edit their picture to their liking. A beauty filter is added for the finishing AmorePacific touch. The picture can be sent to mobile number or e-mail address. After visitors finish the tour they will receive a print of their postcard in an attractive folder.